12/22 | Christ is Born in Humility! - Sunday of the Genealogy | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
12/15 | Blessings and Suffering - 2 Tim. 1:8-18 - Sunday of the Forefathers | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
12/08 | Christ is Our Peace - Eph. 2:14-22 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
12/01 | Thanksgiving is a Life Changer - Eph. 2:4-10 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
11/24 | One Thing You Still Lack - Luke 18:18-27 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
11/17 | Be a Good Steward of Your Soul - Luke 12:16-21 | Fr. Jon Braun |  |
11/10 | "Desiring to Justify Himself" - Luke 10:25-37 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
11/03 | My Grace is Sufficient - 2 Cor. 11:31-12:9 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
10/27 | The Desperate Reach of Faith - Luke 8:41-56 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
10/20 | Perfect Holiness - 2 Cor. 6:16-7:1 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
10/06 | What's on the Inside? The Glory of God in Earthen Vessels | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
09/29 | God is Kind to the Ungrateful and Selfish | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
09/22 | Christ is Revealed in a Net of Fish - Luke 5:1-11 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
09/15 | The Power of the Law vs the Power of the Cross - Gal. 2:16-20 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
09/08 | The Glory of the Flesh vs the Glory of the Cross - Gal. 6:11-18 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
09/01 | The ? is Who? | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
08/25 | Jesus Walks on Water – Matt. 14:22-34 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
08/11 | From Glory to Glory - The Season of Transfiguration | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
08/04 | The Wisdom of God - Matt. 9:1-8 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
07/28 | The Word is Near - Romans 10:1-10 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
07/21 | Humility and Faith: An Underrated Combination - Matt. 8:5-13 - The Centurion's Request | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
06/23 | Pentecost Changes Everything - John 20:19-23 - Holy Pentecost | Fr. Jon Braun |  |
06/09 | Sunday of the Blind Man - John 9:1-38 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
06/02 | Sunday of the Samaritan Women - John 4:5-42 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
05/26 | Sunday of the Paralytic - John 5:1-5 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
05/19 | Holy MyrrhBearers - Luke 24:1-12 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
05/12 | Thomas Sunday - John 20:19-31 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
04/28 | Palm Sunday - John 12:1-18 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
04/14 | Into the Inner Shrine, Behind the Curtain - Heb. 6:13-20 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
04/07 | Draw Near to Christ - Heb. 4:14-5:6 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
03/31 | Pay Attention...Lest We Drift - Heb. 1:10-2:3 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
03/24 | Can We Not Suffer for Christ? - Heb. 11:24-40 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
03/17 | Sunday of Forgiveness - Matt. 6:14-21 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
03/10 | Sunday of the Last Judgment - Matt. 25:31-46 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
03/03 | The Prodigal Son - Luke 15:11-32 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
02/24 | The Publican and the Pharisee | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
02/17 | The Canaanite Woman - Matt. 15:21-28 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
02/10 | The Parable of the Talents - Matt. 25:14-30 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
02/03 | The Synaxis of St Simeon and the Prophetess Anna | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
01/27 | Christ our High Priest - Hebrews 7:26-8:2 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
01/20 | Give Thanks - The Ten Lepers - Heb. 13:7-16 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
01/06 | Holy Theophany | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |