12/26 | The Protomartyr Stephen | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
12/19 | "You Shall Call His Name Jesus, for He will Save His People from their Sins" - Matt 1:1-25 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
12/12 | The Light of God, The Sun of Righteousness - Eph 5:8-19 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
12/5 | The Fruit of the Spirit - Gal 5:22-6:2 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
11/28 | The Kindness of God Calls Us to be Kind! - Eph 2:4-10 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
11/21 | The Entrance of the Theotokos | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
11/14 | The Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25-37 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
11/07 | 2021.11.07 - God's Grace is an Infinite Fountain - Luke 8:41-56 - Raising Jairus' Daughter | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
10/31 | The Rich Man and Lazarus - Luke 16:19-31 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
10/24 | Reap Sparingly or Reap Bountifully - 2 Cor 9:6-11 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
10/17 | The Parable of the Sower - Luke 8:5-15 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
10/10 | The Widow of Nain - Luke 7:11-16 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
10/03 | "As You Wish" - Luke 6:31-36 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
09/26 | St John the Apostle - John 19:25-27, 21:24-25 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
09/19 | Sunday After the Elevation of the Cross | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
09/12 | The Trophy of the Cross... Our Only Boast! - Gal 6:11-18 & John 3:13-17 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
09/05 | The Unmerciful Servant - Matt 18:23-35 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
08/29 | The Beheading of St John the Baptist - Mark 6:14-30 | Fr. Theodore Sakellar |  |
08/22 | Wood, Hay, and Stubble... OR Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones - 1 Cor 3:9-17 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
08/15 | What is Good vs What is Best - The Dormition | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
08/08 | Transfiguring Glory - Sunday After the Transfiguration | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
08/01 | Serving with Variety and with Unity - Rom 12:6-14 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
07/25 | Three Powers - Two Demonized Men - Matt. 8:28-9:1 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
07/18 | Love is the Least and Love is the Greatest - Matt. 5:14-19 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
07/04 | Drop Your Nets and Follow Christ - Matt 4:18-23 - Saints of North America | Fr. Theodore Sakellar |  |
06/27 | All Saints Day - Heb 11:33-12:2 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
06/06 | The Blind Man - John 9:1-38 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
05/30 | The Samaritan Woman - John 4:5-42 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
05/23 | Do You Want to Be Made Whole? - Sunday of the Paralytic - John 5:1-15 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
05/16 | Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearers - Mark 15:43-16:8 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
05/09 | Thomas Sunday | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
05/01 | A Strange and Awesome Mystery - Even in Death! - Holy Saturday | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
04/25 | Christ is Our King - Palm Sunday | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
04/18 | Fifth Sunday of Great Lent | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
04/11 | Fourth Sunday of Great Lent | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
04/04 | The Transforming Power of the Cross | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
03/28 | Sometimes "Plan B" is a Better Plan - Mark 2:1-12 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
03/21 | Pre-Conceptions Keep Us from "Greater Things" - John 1:43-51 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
03/14 | The Sunday of Forgiveness | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
03/07 | Sunday of the Last Judgment - Matt 25:31-46 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
02/28 | The Prodigal Son - Luke 15:11-32 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
02/21 | The Publican and The Pharisee - Luke 18:10-14 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
02/14 | The Canaanite Woman - Matt 15:21-28 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
02/07 | Parable of the Talents - Matt 25:14-30 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
01/31 | St Zacchaeus and the Sycamore Tree of Repentance - Luke 19:1-10 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
01/24 | Humility and Hope - Christ Jesus Came to Save Sinners - 1 Tim 1:15-17 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
01/17 | Obey Your Leaders - Heb 13:17-21 - St Anthony | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |
01/10 | Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand - Matt 4:12-17 | Fr. Patrick Jackson |  |